My New Cranberry Red Blazer

Entry# 2

You don’t think Stan could just drop me into a real estate office with a blazer on and expect me to just have a job there, do you? I had to work at it!!!!

Clowns & Strip Clubs

Entry# 3

Who would have thought that Haley moving out would bring me not one but two awesome adventures in a single day! After everything, I am going to need a long shower and a good night’s sleep!

Drunk Francine


Entry# 4

After Stan screws with my memory, I’m pretty sure I was with a few dozen men (and kind of with Haley too?) But, I can’t remember all the damn details… so it doesn’t count. Right?

Francine Smith and Bullock

Taking One or Two for the Family

Entry# 5

A wife will do anything to help her family. Sometimes it is a burden, other times it is a joy, this time it was FANTASTIC!

Stan’s Deconship

Entry# 7

So the last week has been pretty hectic. Stan ran for, won (with some help from yours truly), and resigned his post as Deacon of our church. And I am pretty sure I ruined someone’s life in the process, but that’s ok. That smug bitch and her family had it coming. But I had a lot of fun doing it!

Bullock Brings the Family Together

Entry# 8

I am not sure if I should be pissed or not. I mean, I planned on fucking him at some point, but still, it’s the principle of the matter, ya know?

Locker Room Access

Entry# 10

Oh what an amazing day! Stan wanted some bonding time with Steve, which is always a rare treat. So when Stan had trouble getting a special surprise setup for a baseball trip to see the Yankees play the Orioles I knew I had to do something to help!

Franny and the FBI guys S1E11

Distracting the FBI

Entry# 11

It turns out Stan has been lying to the whole family for twenty years about his father, who it turns out is actually some kind of jewel thief! I really should have let the FBI take Stan away after lying like that but I’ll be damned if I have to get a job to support the kids.