He was back behind the counter by the time I finished getting dressed and gathering up my things.
I settled on the maid outfit and decided to wear it home. I was half-way home before I realized that Mr. Rules forgot to charge me. Hehehe, I’ll take that win.
I had high hopes after that boost to my ego. I worked extra hard on the house in my sexy little outfit for the rest of the day and waited excitedly for Stan to get home. Everyone was out so I couldn’t drive Haley crazy or tease Steve, so when Stan came home and barely looked at me it hurt a lot.
I even went to a plastic surgeon to have some work done but just ended up leaving with a little botox, which was lame.
It was all pretty depressing, honestly.
Steve caught Stan masturbating and instead of explaining to his son the real truth about sex, yes I offered to do it but Stan insisted on still handling it, he blamed smut on TV for his behavior.
Yea, even writing this I am stunned at how stupid he can be.
God damn, if Steve walked in on me masturbating I would just finish and let him see how to properly pleasure a woman. You know, show him something he could use in the future.. if he ever finds a girl. Instead, Stan gets regular TV banned and takes over a local station to spread propaganda. This is the life I chose I guess…
On the bright side when I confronted Stan at the TV station things improved.
He was right in the middle of some stupid sock puppet bit with Steve when I had finally had enough. I set Steve straight on masturbation and shamed Stan into admitting that sex is not evil on live TV. He went a little overboard and freaked Steve the fuck out explaining things to him that I really never would have imagined that he even knew about. Steve just walked out in stunned silence.
Stan felt so proud of his newfound sexual understanding and parenting skills that he grabbed me right then and there.
It was great, we haven’t kissed like that for a long time. Stan’s hands were all over me. He peeled off my dress and tore off my bra with a single yank. This was why I married him… when he wanted to he could be such a …MAN.
I knew the cameras were still rolling but I didn’t care.
We dropped to the floor still embracing. He licked and sucked my nipples and plunged two fingers into my pussy. He had me inches from orgasm nearly instantly. He may not typically be very adventurous but he knows how to press my buttons.
He was right in the middle of motorboating me just how I love it when he realized that the camera guy was still here, the cameras were still rolling and the camera guy was energetically jerking off to the show.
Of course, this ruined everything. Stan got super jealous and jumped on the guy beating him senseless and knocking the camera down, ending our show.
I’m pretty sure we violated every rule on the books for a TV station because they have been offline ever since.
We never did pick up where we left off, sigh.

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