Fran of Arabia – Part 2

About <1 minutes to read.

Later that morning I awoke dressed in my skimpy bikini and Hijab once again. A servant brought me fruits and cheeses as soon as he noticed I was awake.

The women were back, all lounging around the pool once again. They spoke very little, and all of it was in Arabic. I tried to ask them a few questions but they just ignored me, I supposed they were Jealous.

I relaxed by the pool sipping on something tropical and very strong, my mind wandered back to my exhausted dreams of Kalif branding me and using me over and over again.

It was afternoon when Kalif finally returned. He quietly assumed his place on his throne and as soon as he clapped his hands twice I knew… I just knew.

The women washed me, and then ravaged me until I passed out sometime around dawn.

They repeated this for days. And each day before passing out I begged Kalif to fuck me only to have him smile at me and leave me to pass out alone on the chair.

Apparently, they did know how to punish me…

Finally, after a week of this torture, I woke up to Kalif sitting next to me on the chair and gently brushing my hair.

I breathed out husky, “finally.” His touch sent shivers down my spine and my kitty practically cried out for him. I eagerly reached out for him… only to have him stand up, shaking his head.

“It is time for your trial little flower.”

“No. You can’t just leave me like this!” I threw my arms out at him but his servants grabbed me before I could touch him. I shrieked as they pulled me away, but he simply walked out of the room.

When the men came to drag me to my trial I was ready death by stoning.

When I saw Stan again I was so angry at him for bringing us here. For treating me as an inconvenience. For Kalif not fucking my brains out!

Eventually, I calmed down and he begged the judge for mercy, even going so far as to volunteer to die with me… which was sweet of him and would serve him right. In the stadium where we were going to die Steve and Haley were there as well.

I thought our whole family was going to die here. At the last moment, someone powerful called and set us free. Rodger later said it was him but I’d bet anything that it was Kalif saving his little flower.

Our near-death experience changed Stan’s mind and he begged Bullock for his job back. Stan didn’t once ask me how my punishment went.

I think I’ll get a little star tattoo…

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